Well, I'm finally giving in and posting on Joel's blog. I fear he will never do it himself again...you'll all just have to harass him into it. :)
We had a good Christmas in Denver and New Year's in Bozeman. This was the first year I haven't gone home to NY at all so that was hard, but I guess getting there every year until I'm 32 isn't so bad (don't tell my mom that though, she said it didn't make her feel any better). I don't know if it was our job worries or not going home or what, but I never got into the spirit much and we didn't even end up getting a tree. A nice centerpiece that my mom sent helped though...it even smelled good.

Joel also got motivated one Sunday and put lights up...

We spent New Year's Eve at our friend's, Lisa and Aaron's, house. They cooked the traditional Italian Christmas Eve 7 fishes dinner. It was amazing. We opened gifts together at our house Christmas morning, including those that family had sent. Everyone was very generous, thank you.

Kaya even got her very own squirrel to destroy -- I think it helped her feel better that she can never catch the ones in the park.

Then we spent the rest of the day in Longmont with Mike, Susan, and all the family. We had a great time, had good food, and unfortunately watched the Nuggets lose. The place was a zoo...literally...and I loved it!

After another short week at work, we made the long drive to Bozeman on New Year's Eve and spent a couple of days with good friends. We celebrated 2010 at the local bowling alley, saw a bunch of people over the next couple of days, and watched a lot of Glee. The perfect weekend.

We came back to Denver on Sunday, celebrated the Boise win on Monday, both had job interviews on Tuesday, and are currently watching a boring championship game that Joel is convinced Boise would do well in. I have to agree. I found out today that I didn't get the job I interviewed for on Tuesday -- it was violence prevention with the state health dept and I would have loved to get the job, so I'm pretty disappointed. I guess I'll stick with what I've got for now -- I started the Interim Executive Director job on December 16 so I will keep plugging along. Joel's interview was with the state mining reclamation division and he felt like it went well, no word on their decision yet. And he has another interview with a consulting firm on Monday. So we continue to cross our fingers and stay hopeful about his job search. In the meantime, he still likes his temp job and they are committed to keeping him on as long as they can.
That's about it from here. Wishing you all a happy, healthy, peaceful 2010. Phew, that was tiring, wasn't it Kaya?