Thursday, October 12, 2006

Freddy Mikisms

Classics and not-so-classics

1) Nit Wit
2) Fleegel Flaggel Wally Romp Nincompoops (?)
3) For Cripes' Sake
4) Boys, look at the beautiful view
5) Doh! (said in the voice of Homer Simpson)
6) Follow me, it's ridiculous that we should have to wait in this line
7) Watch it, Sister!
8) I'm a good driver
9) -snore-
10) Oh, my back
11) What the scrud . . . .?
12) I though this was a movie about a boy and his dog.
13) It was only rated "R" for violence

You asked for it dad, it's all because I love you.


Anonymous said...

Watch it Sister!!! has to be one of my all time favorites.

I'll add:

15. The guy at the movie store promised that this was ok.
16. Why the scrud won't this (insert any electrical device here) work?
17. (I know you had the doh! quote, but also notable is the:) Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! OOOooooHHhh!!!

Joel said...

I knew I was missing a bunch but figured as a collective group we could get a pretty comprehensive list.

Anonymous said...

You got 'em all Joel. Too funny!

Joel said...

18. You little snot
19. I don't fart (as he looks over his sholder at Susan)

Anonymous said...

* "I thought I heard a buck snort!"

* "I been shick!"

Anonymous said...

What's the matter? Can't ya take it?!! (What a bunch of cry babies!)FMM

Paul and Joni said...

20)po widdle baby
22)For cryin out loud!
23)I did noooot!
24)Susan?, help me, these guys are pickin on me
25)I hate moguls! (lol)
26)you little twirp
27)when I go across the desert...
28)Here comes Freddy Mike!

Anonymous said...

What the scrud is one of my personal favorites. That and "doh".

29) Why you little!
30) You're going to get it
31) That's not funny (enter name). You really hurt me.
32) How much is a bushel Dad? Answer: A couple pecks.

Joel said...

I can't believe I didn't remember some of those! I just about split my shorts laughing.

Joel said...

Does anyone else think of Dad every time you read a "Beatle Baily" cartoon? I don't know exactly why, but I do every time.

Anonymous said...

These are great lines and he's still using them.

A few more that Eric, Hannah, and I came up with:

33) "This looks like a Dagwood Sandwich"
34) "Last call for dinner" ... "if you don't come now, you'll be I T"
35) "Last one to the car's an old poop"
36) "Hot tomato" (I still don't get that one)
37) "There'll be consequences!"
38) "For crying out loud in the dark"
39)"You betcha bub" in normal voice and Donald Duck voice
40) "That makes me sooo mad"

I'm sure we'll think of tons more, but that's a few of our favorites besides the ones you've already listed.


Anonymous said...

Great blog Joel! Everyone I read I could see FMM saying. Glad that you can keep us laughing! We need some good, cheap entertainment.