Saturday, August 02, 2008

Have You Met My Girlfriend?

Barney is seeing someone but I found the next best thing. Yes, that's Erin in a Dinosaur suit. She was part of Bozeman's annual Sweet Pea Parade for her work (Museum of the Rockies). It was pretty cool but it went by me so fast that she was gone before I had the chance to ridicule her much. It must have worn her out because she taking a nap now. She smells like a jockstrap recycling warehouse. The parade was really cool. I'll throw in a couple of pictures from the animal control people dressed in star trek garb and the "solar bug" that I want to be my next car (really).

"Klingons Castrate with Honor" is my favorite

Don't mind the lady in the picture. I don't know her, just friendly fire.


Anonymous said...

I'm with you Jub....I sooo want the solar powered car. Me and my alternative vehicle fetish.

Hopefully the green smelly dinosaur got cleaned up so she is tolerable.

You look pretty good in scales Erin.

Maude said...

Hey, Erin - - -I'd recognize that smile anywhere! :) Sounds like a fun parade!

I love the little cars, also - - -except for long trips. I'd worry a bit about getting swallowed by a semi or something. They really are cute - - -and great for around town, I'd think.

Joel said...

Yeah, I don't think that that particular car could go on a road trip anyway. It tops out at 35mph with a range of about 50 miles. A guy that lives in Bozeman built it and is starting to mass produce the cars for commuting. In case you want to learn more:

Paul and Joni said...

that car for real? I thought it was a prop on a float. Couldn't dino girl have taken a shower before taking a nap?

Bozeman has some wierd a parades

Anonymous said...

That is a great post Joel!!
We hope Erin got a shower and doesn't stink anymore!!!
Glad Alyssa wasn't there...I'm sure she would have been afraid of the dinosaur!!!

Anonymous said...

Your town has personality! Erin looks extremely tall and cute, yet ferocious - I love the analogy to a "recycled jock strap" - good one! Keep the blogs coming!