Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Erin Studies

I wanted to take a picture of a typical domestic scene around here. Erin in the lazy boy surrounded by books with a blanket and computer on her lap, and an obliterated dog toy on the floor. It's a nice night for me but I don't know about her. On one hand she loves to learn and take questions/ideas apart and on the other hand I know many times she would like nothing more than to get home from work and not have a single thing of significance to worry about.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Skiing and Sh**

Erin and I took Friday off to go on a short (overnight) ski trip with some good friends. We went to a place that's kind of in the middle of nowhere in Montana called Showdown. It was really fun. Erin hadn't skied for a few years before we started dating because she broke her leg really bad from a ski accident a few years ago. She is understandably nervous sometimes but has a lot of skill, she's skied a few times now and gets better each time we go. We stayed the night at Bob's Place, a small town motel/bar/diner that is owned and operated by a guy named Tony and his wife Shelly. I guess Bob owned the place before Tony and the name never was changed. Apparently Tony also answers to the name Bob.

On the way home we had a nice little treat. We got caught behind a cattle drive that was pretty cool to watch at first but got old really fast. A couple of the cowboys (I guess one of them was actually a cowgirl) told us to just drive up behind them and they will get out of the way. We were following the red pickup (in the photo) and the guy had absolutely no balls to "push" the cattle around a little. We drove in the middle of the heard for about an hour (not exaggerating) before a dud in a big pickup lost his patience with Mr Red Pickup and came around and led us out of the poopy nightmare (I've never seen so much poop on one road in my life). Anyway, we're back in Bozeman and very happy to have the whole weekend to look forward to.

The picture doesn't quite do justice to the true length of cow. They were spread out for more than a mile.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Random Stuff

I used to love watching Meet the Press on NBC every Sunday morning. I loved Tim Russert and think that David Gregory is kind of a tool, hopefully he'll get the hang of it. It's Sunday morning right now and he's annoying me.

I ran a 10K yesterday. When I came down the stairs this morning I thought I was going to break the hand rail because 90% of my weight was on it. I would recommend running a couple of times prior to entering a 10K. By the way, why does my neck and back hurt almost as much as my legs?

Well, this was an entry to warm up my blogging muscles so I'll cut it short so I don't regret it tomorrow (coming down the stairs). We're doing well. Erin is as busy as ever and seems to be making good progress on her Master's thesis. In 9 days we will have been dating for 3 years. Crazy huh? I'm making a goal to blog again this Spring.