Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Been A While

I just noticed that I haven't really posted anything for a bit. Just wanted to say that I/we are healthy and happy. I'm loving that it's cooling down, we've had a scorching hot summer (for Bozeman). I'll try to write something more soon.


Anonymous said...

It's nice to hear from you Joel. Fall is my favorite time of year. The summer has been the best ever with all the visitors, including you and Erin. Love, Dad

Maude said...

Yippee for fall weather! Fall and spring are my favorite times of year. I'm sure the heat and drought this summer will cause us all to appreciate the cooler times. Glad you're both doing well. I'm sure it's a busy, busy time for both of you. Love you lots.


Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you Joel, I have also been out of the blog scene for a bit - I'll write more soon!

Anonymous said...

Glad you're both still alive!!!

Anonymous said...

We've been wondering about you? The phone tag, no blogs, no emails....glad to see that you are doing okay but still it's no excuse. It's time to step it up on the bloggin because we all MISS your great whit and Erin and Kaya's beautiful face!

Moore fun in Colorado! said...


You've got the wrong link to our current blog spot. It's www.moorefunincolorado.blogspot.com

I have wondered why you haven't been commenting!! Check it out, you've missed a lot.


ps Start blogging again, we miss you!

Anonymous said...

So Erin said that you took some pictures that you wanted to post???? ANY day now would be fine.