Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Great Clips

Does anyone ever get the overwhelming urge to chop your hair off? I do. Tonight after sitting down to start working on the impeding thesis deadline I was convinced that I had to cut my hair and I had to do it now.

Some haircutting techniques are tough to achieve on your own:
1) Straight lines
2) The Fade
3) Knowing when to stop
4) Anything behind your ear

I’m glad its winter, I’ll be wearing a beanie for a bit.


Anonymous said...

You are brave! WOW! Good thing Erin will PROBABLY still love you?!

Maude said...

Crazy boy! You have a "hair thing," I think! (Remember the Mohawk??) Pop on up to Ashton, and I'll clean it up a bit. Thanks for the photos - - - I laughed WITH you! :)

Anonymous said...

Good thing you have your mom, because I'm definitely laughing AT you.

Joel said...

Ouch, that's harsh.

Paul and Joni said...

I think I am addicted to cutting hair too. I haven't paid for a haircut since the 90's after I left home. Now I just buzz everything and I know I need a haircut when my little "tufts" start peeking out of my head. If you want to look like me then use a number 2 on the sides and a 4 on top, that eliminates the "fade" responsibility. The hardest part to cut is the front tuft because it is thin and just stands straight up so there isn't a lot I can do without scissors. That would be a good description of myself if I was still single and putting an ad in the paper.

Anonymous said...

Didn’t the bowl cut/corn rows/shelf look go out with the 90’s? Maybe I’m just not hip to the new Utah thang.

I’m with Paul on the hair trimming thing. Since I don’t have all that much a buzz does me just fine. Easy, low maintenance and free. I’m with Erin on the laughing AT you part.

Nice do…..dude.

Anonymous said...

Nice job Joel. I can't see the flaws. It's amazing to notice that you have ears. Dad

Joel said...

The flaws are much more noticable today. I look like a marine wearing a toupe that was a dog chew toy for a short time.

Paul and Joni said...

I may be demon eyes but now Joel can join our Texas circus as tornado path head

Paul and Joni said...

It's really not that bad though Joel. Really :)

Melecia said...

Rhett has been doing that to his hair since we got married - he's never been to a barber! I guess your saving some money - yes - you're ready for the marines. I understand - when you need to cut your hair - it's hard to wait.

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.